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UK DCTN Themed Research Call 2023 - Skin of Colour

Writer's picture: SOCT-UKSOCT-UK

The UK Dermatology Clinical Trials Network (UK DCTN) invites applications for our 2023 Themed Research Call on skin of colour. Applications can include work related to outcome measures and pilot or feasibility work including surveys and qualitative research methods. Submissions should only be made that will inform the design of future randomised controlled clinical trials (RCTs) and not for stand-alone projects.

Thanks to generous co-funding from the National Eczema Society two awards of up to £10,000 each are available. One award for any aspect of dermatology in skin of colour and one restricted to projects investigating eczema and skin of colour.

How to apply: Please use the Themed Research Call form available on our website and view the terms and conditions to ensure your application is within remit.

Closing date for applications: Monday 17th July 2023.

If short-listed, applicants will be invited to present their proposals to the UK DCTN Steering Committee in London (or online) in Autumn 2023 (date to be confirmed).

Terms and Conditions of UK DCTN Themed Call Award

The aim of the UK DCTN Themed Call Award is to help facilitate UK study teams working in strategic areas to overcome hurdles that may be impeding the development of clinical trials research in that area. The work conducted should be pilot/feasibility work or other developmental work (such as a Priority Setting Partnership, outcome measures related work) that will eventually support the development of a full scale randomised controlled clinical trial (RCT).

Do you have a research idea for a clinical trial relating to skin of colour in dermatology? Need some funding to help develop your project? Then apply for this award!!!

1. This award scheme is only available to study teams who:

• Are working in the disease area of the themed call and undertaking work that will go on to support an RCT in that area.

• Agree to work with the UK DCTN on future related studies.

• Based in the UK and Ireland

2. Applications will only be considered on the correct form. Application forms are available on request from the UK DCTN Research Co-ordinator or via the UK DCTN website .

3. Maximum funding available per project is £10,000.

4. Applications should include some aspect of working towards a clinical trial such a priority setting partnership, trial feasibility work, or qualitative work needed for a trial. Testing outcome measures for such a trial could be included if the case of need for such testing is made with a specific trial in mind, BUT diagnostic criteria validation or early work to develop outcome measures are out of remit.

5. Applications for laboratory based research studies are not applicable and will not be considered.

6. Funds should primarily be used for the delivery and dissemination of research - it is NOT permissible to use the funds mainly for registration costs towards a higher degree such as a Masters course or for other training.

7. Due to generous co-funding from the National Eczema Society (UK), two awards of up to £10,000 each are available. Please note that these cannot be pooled for one project.

8. Short-listing of applications is based on the following criteria:

• clinical relevance

• importance to NHS

• likely interest from both the patient and medical communities

• timeliness (avoiding duplication of effort)

• feasibility

• experience of research team

9. A final funding decision is made by the UK DCTN Steering Committee following presentation by short-listed study teams.

10. Awards are made for a maximum period of 2 years with 6 monthly progress reports and a final report being mandatory. Non-cost extensions will be considered on a case by case basis.

11. Successful study teams will be notified of any conditions of funding in their award letter.

12. Funding release is in two stages – 50% on award and 50% on completion of relevant activities.

13. Successful study teams must inform the UK DCTN of any deviations from their original project and should seek permission before proceeding with such changes.

Please get in touch with us if you would like further information at or 0115 8468621. Application forms are available on request or via the UK DCTN website



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